World Amateur Radio Day, Apr. 18

Thursday, April 18th, 2024, is World Amateur Radio Day. Amateur Radio is an important part of disaster response and preparedness, as well as having positive impacts on scientific and diplomatic efforts.

IARU – World Amateur Radio Day

ARRL – World Amateur Radio Day

The ITU notes:

A century of innovation, community, and advocacy

Today, amateur radio is more popular than ever, with more than 3,000,000 licensed operators around the world. Notably, ITU has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of amateur radio services and licensees.

In nearly a century of engagement, IARU has helped to grow the amateur services into a well-recognized partner in global communications. Our forthcoming centenary is an opportunity to celebrate these achievements.

On 18 April each year, operators around the world take part in World Amateur Radio Day. This is a day when IARU member-societies can show their capabilities to the public and enjoy friendships with other amateurs worldwide.

We proudly share the good work done by amateur radio operators, their innovations in the science of communications, and what we do for the global community.

While these services have been in operation for over a century, 1924 was the first year that intercontinental amateur communications became commonplace. The field has witnessed unparalleled technological advances since then – part of the reason amateur radio is so crucial for global communications and timely emergency response today…”